* A PowerSchool assignment.
* @hideconstructor
class PowerSchoolAssignment {
constructor(api, id, assignmentID, name, abbreviation, categoryID, courseID, description, dueDate, gradeBookType, weight, includeInFinalGrades, publishScores, scorePublishDate) {
this.api = api;
* The ID of this assignment.
* @member {number}
this.id = id;
* The secondary ID of this assignment in the system.
* @member {number}
this.assignmentID = assignmentID;
* The name of this assignment.
* @member {string}
this.name = name;
* A shorter name for this assignment.
* @member {string}
this.abbreviation = abbreviation;
* The category this assignment belongs to.
* @member {number}
this.categoryID = categoryID;
* The course this assignment belongs to.
* @member {number}
this.courseID = courseID;
* The description of this assignment, if available.
* @member {string}
this.description = description;
* The due date of this assignment.
* @member {Date}
this.dueDate = dueDate;
* The grade book type for this assignment.
* @member {number}
this.gradeBookType = gradeBookType;
* The weight this assignment carries on the overall course mark.
* @member {number}
this.weight = weight;
* Whether or not this assignment's mark will influence the final grade in this course.
* @member {string}
this.includeInFinalGrades = includeInFinalGrades;
* Whether scores for this assignment will be published or not.
* @member {boolean}
this.publishScores = publishScores;
* The specific date scores for this assignment will be published, if available.
* @member {Date}
this.scorePublishDate = scorePublishDate;
static fromData(data, api) {
return new PowerSchoolAssignment(api, data.id, data.assignmentid, data.name, data.abbreviation, data.categoryId, data.sectionid, data.description, new Date(data.dueDate), data.gradeBookType, data.weight, data.includeinfinalgrades == 1, data.publishscores == 1, data.scorePublishDate ? new Date(data.scorePublishDate) : null);
* Get the score received on this assignment, if available.
* @return {PowerSchoolAssignmentScore}
getScore() {
return this.api._cachedInfo.assignmentScores[this.id];
* Get the category this assigmment belongs to.
* @return {PowerSchoolAssignmentCategory}
getCategory() {
return this.api._cachedInfo.assignmentCategories[this.categoryID];
* Get the course this assigmment belongs to.
* @return {PowerSchoolCourse}
getCourse() {
return this.api._cachedInfo.courses[this.courseID];
module.exports = PowerSchoolAssignment;